All children attending Pre-School now have a personal online Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This enables us to build up a record to help assess your child’s progress and each child’s learning and achievements during their time with us.
The Tapestry system is hosted on a secure, dedicated server based in the U.K. Information and images of your child will not be shared with outside agencies or other parents. The only people able to access their online Learning Journal are members of the pre-school staff and yourself.
You will have password protected access to your child’s online Learning Journey and we encourage you to contribute information and evidence of your child too by uploading photos, videos and comments of their learning development and experiences. It also has the added benefit which IT offers to give instant access in a paperless instance. You are also able to comment on observations made by the staff in the pre-school too.
When viewing your child’s Learning Journal you will see a list of observations for you to click on.
Once you have clicked on one you will be able to read a short paragraph (See image) about different the activity your child completed.
We ask you not to share any images uploaded by staff onto your child’s Learning Journey on any social medias and trust you adhere to this policy.
If you do not have access to the internet we are able to download and print your child’s online Tapestry Learning Journey as a pdf file.
Where do I start?
You will have an account assigned to you, you will have to create your own password to gain entry to your childs account.
Before your child starts pre-school/playgroup it is essential that you complete your child's 'all about me page'. This has to be done through the browser, rather than the app. The video below explains how to do this;
If you would like to add additional email addresses for both parents, grandparents etc, please email us.
Viewing my child’s Learning Journey
You will see your child’s observations on your ‘Obs’ tab (home screen) – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to. This is not compulsory.
Adding an entry to my child’s Learning Journey
Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option and add the relevant information into the boxes on the screen. Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing the ‘Obs’ tab.
Please note:
The online Learning Journey is to be used to record your child’s learning and achievements.
We ask that you use the Tapestry in a professional manner, with respect for staff at all times and ensure that you use professional language when uploading evidence and writing comments. We sincerely hope that you find using Tapestry a liberating way to access knowledge of your child’s achievements and progress. We hope that you will embrace the opportunity to upload and contribute evidence of your child’s learning too.
We will aim to update at least one observation of your child to their Learning Journal a week
If you have any issues registering and using Tapestry please do not hesitate to contact us.